Monday, September 28, 2009

What’s the big fuss on austerity?

Off late the print and TV media have gone crazy on the display of austerity in politics. The Youth Icon of congress travels in train shelving his high profile and doing away with helicopter only to be the best food for the critics. UPA government seems to have committed the cardinal mistake by flying in the economy class.

No, am not negating the fact that these acts were hollower than they looked. That this pseudo austerity is the way to go ahead in shaping the jeopardized state of politics. I, like most of the other sound audience, understand that things need to go deeper than displays like this.

But are we being fair in making this act so down trodden? Was it better if this new phase of “being conscious” had not started at all? Or was it good, if we had not tried to question the stakes lost in keeping the ministers quenched at the fives stars?

There are gaps and grey areas in this “Austerity Raj” which makes it look phony. There is very little done on accounting how much it saves for poor man and how much does it pay back from those savings. If a minister can spent 50K on daily basis from “his savings” then he can as well donate prosaic amount of 5K daily to relieve the farmers from deaths and droughts. All this is true ..And this is being questioned solely because some one has ignited the move of austerity.

So, though not complete in it, we should appreciate the act has made a marked change in plotics. The NETAs would now have to do minimal and cut on the flamboyant image, to fool the janta.And for all we know we may revisit the Mahatma days where this philosophy was practised and not preached aloneJ


  1. Like all other acts, this will phase out too...once the attention is diverted :)

  2. Its just an act of sycophant people,and by doing so the ministers are gaining bit respect.The real thing is far from what we can percieve, cause from inside the ministers are malice.In india if u want to remove poverty then all indians should become memeber of parliament once in their lifetime.What u say?

  3. I buy all that ..n every word of wht you said.But, there has to be a beginning from some where..this may be an illusion now.. bt has set a good trend for politics..
