Thursday, October 15, 2009

Not so young Gen

After my office hours, I took Aki to park, a part of routine now days. Swing and slides are something that he associates with dawn now :) !

This was late yesterday and the usual mom-n-kids crowd had left for the day. There was a “herd” of kidos. Herd is true sense, given the noise and commotion they were making and each one increasing his decibel to be over the others.

I was so busy overlooking Aki, that I hardly paid any heed to their “noise” as I would call it. Till a time I heard one of them say “C’mon da he just joined a couple of months back ..which is too early to show results and deserve the Nobel prize”… huh!! Excuse me..are they talking about Obama and arguing over his deserving the Nobel prize!!

These kids in cargos and capries, so concerned about their looks and attitude -are they abreast with the developments? Ok this is not cricketing; that guys get interested may be from toddler age!! This was the current affairs.. And almost all 8-10 of them had their side of argument on it..
They talked about coming weekend,diwali plans, fast approaching board exams, skipping the swimming classes,Manmohan tripping to arunachal pradesh, their cool cycles ,racing..Almost anything and everything around..

I heard them for a while. their arguments their opinions, their ways of weighing things.. What was I doing at this age??
Mind you, they weren’t the “Elite” society kids ..Ambani or the like.....these are kids from a normal apartment that gets flooded almost every monsoon..

I was pleasantly surprised with their exposure and “not so young” mind set at young age.
They are cool , full of attitude, concerned about their appearance but as informed, if not more, as adults..The age for “innocent childhood” is fast decreasing..! necessary evil now!!

1 comment:

  1. I guess by the time kids near age 3, the innocence slow starts to fade away.
