Wednesday, September 21, 2016

tu himmat tow kar, desh mere

हाथों को जोड़े बैठें है बाबूजी ,
राजाजी के दरबार मे ...
करने  शिकायत छोटे की जिसने ,
है कलह मचाई घरबार में ...

देखो तुम हो बड़े यहाँ पे,
राजाजी समझाते हैं।
ऐसे छोटी बातों पे क्या,
रिश्ते तोड़े जाते हैं?

अम्मा की बातों को बाबूजी ,
अकसर अनसुनी करजाते हैं।
तुम हो जनता सी भोली बहुत,
ये कह के बहलाते हैं।

राजाजी को हम  हैं प्रिय  बहुत ,
 इसलिए हमको ही समझाएं गे।
वादा  किया है मुझे से
पंचायत मैं ,परमानेंट सीट दिलाएं गे।

पर राजाजी को है परेशानी क्या ,
अमा झीक कर  रह जाती है।
"अपनी बारी मैं उनको ,
क्यों गीता- ज्ञान याद नहीं आती है?

जब छोटे का लड़का   उनकी ,
लड़की को ले भागा था।
छुप बैठा था जाकर ट्विन टावर  में,
 तब कैसा प्रलय जागा था?

राजाजी ने अन्न जल त्याग
भीष्म प्रतिज्ञा ले डाली थी।
जवाला सी बरसी थी   चहूं  और ,
 नगरी मरुस्थल बना डाली थी।

दो दिन मैं ढूंढ निकाले   ,
छोटे के नालायक लड़के थे।
क्षण मैं अलग कर डाले 
सर से उनके  धड़ थे। 
पर अब जब बात, हमारी
मरियादा की दावँ पर आयी है।
तो उनको प्रेम शांति  भाई चारे की
 बातें याद सब आयी हैं। .

 चुप्पी के दिन बीतगये ,
कहतें हैं दिन अछे आये हैं।
तुमको हक़  दिलवाने को ,
मुंषी मोदी गाँव में आये हैं।

 श्री राम को भी तीन दिवस तक ,
जब सागर ने न पूछा  था,
जब छोड़ प्रेम प्यार  वो पौरुष पर आये ,
 तब उसको दास बनने का सूझा था। "

अम्मा की बातों को बाबूजी ,
अकसर अनसुनी करजाते हैं।
तुम हो जनता सी भोली बहुत,
ये कह के बहलाते हैं।

 ना जाने किस डर से, बाबूजी घबराते हैं,
राजाजी के  आधे दरबारी  , उनके घर से ही जाते हैं। 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Not just yet..

Gently he holds her hand,
to feel the dying pulse..
with every miss of it
a part of him dies within..

How selfishly she travels away
whilst promising the eternal company..
for he can see no more of the road
without the glowing flame of her heart herewith..

her radiance so unfailed by the cruelty of time,
her smile so deep on the shallowness of life..
She blinks to concede the love he has
for the words fail her to match the longing of his eyes..

How assuredly he had embraced her once,
winning a battle against the dears..
How willing she had led him
to believe she would do, but as he desires..

he desired not for her to quit
and quitting he wouldnt grant her,
for she would do but he desires
was a promise made, away from the prying ears..

He reminds her of the duties
she has yet to fulfill..
the mess of the house, the missing things
the visit of kids that call her granny..

A Sudden panic rises in her spine
a force jolts her wrecking frame,
She breathes a breath deep and strong
is it her revival or her betrayal final.....

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Sense and Sensibility -Jane Austen

A read  of Jane Austen ( particularly this book)   seems a bit  over bearing or even verbose to say a little :) . Her ability and desire to put expressions and inferences ,general opinion and belief , inside every single statement that the character makes, tries your patience at times.  With a generation , so short and hastily losing on the virtue of patience, this might not be a so hard-to-put down book.

And for someone fond and carved in ways of Jeffrey Archer, Dan Brown or even John Grisham ( by choice or habit) , picking this book seemed like a mistake . A mistake that I didn't intend to take beyond first chapter.
 I would like my read to be concentrating around the plot and characters and not on the length of a line that runs into a paragraph, Each time!! A line that is pregnant with more expressions than the message it wanted to deliver.

I loved the simplistic representation and effortless story-telling of 'Almost Single', which is not hugely distant from the category of this novel. That is ,I would say, a vacation time novel, to read.

But when you crave for a little more than just good story, read this. 'Sense and Sensibility' ,is more than just the story the novel narrates. Yes, I did pick up the book one more time, against myself though!

With every page I read, I saw the era she wrote about. An era which is difficult to relate to, not only in diction but also  in mannerism. I was more and more willing to give her the liberal benefit, for she was writing of a bygone time. Her words sounded and read differently , She would use chuse ( for choose),  handsome for the appearance of a lady ( I dare say we use that for men with caution too :) ) and handful non-existent usages.  English and society has come a long way since then. Courtesy and chivalry have new-found meanings, the pressing-necessity that she sees for them in a person, Am afraid, isn't easy to justify.

Her style of writing grows on you ,as you progress the story. And you would be amazed, without much exaggeration, to see yourself, under the influence of such usage, as shocking as it may seem to those familiar to you.( That was my attempt to her style :) but far shorter from her lengths)

There is an interesting amount of details on the locations, the setting are described in a delightful way ,it almost instantly creates a visual effect on the reader ,as if you were living the age and society of that time. The pace is almost stagnant at times, but there is no undertone she uses in depicting the mindset of society where the matter of money forces a change in matter of hearts and one finds no shame in accepting it. The characters like Miss  Jennings and Miss Lucy,  more or less sum up the expectations and priorities that society had for women back then. The Dashwood sisters ,though play a similar society, have a more relate-able this-day like sensibility.

 The story line is sweet and happily ever-after take away, but the something that I would keep from the novel is its depiction of the lost-world (almost ), when you want to cut out from the modern ways of world for some time, and  its beautiful

"There is something so amiable in the prejudices of a young mind, that one is sorry to see them give way to the reception of more general opinions."

Its so very true ..

Sense and Sensibility -Jane Austen

A read  of Jane Austen ( particularly this book)   seems a bit  over bearing or even verbose to say a little :) . Her ability and desire to put expressions and inferences ,general opinion and belief , inside every single statement that the character makes, tries your patience at times.  With a generation , so short and hastily losing on the virtue of patience, this might not be a so hard-to-put down book.

And for someone fond and carved in ways of Jeffrey Archer, Dan Brown or even John Grisham ( by choice or habit) , picking this book seemed like a mistake . A mistake that I didn't intend to take beyond first chapter.
 I would like my read to be concentrating around the plot and characters and not on the length of a line that runs into a paragraph, Each time!! A line that is pregnant with more expressions than the message it wanted to deliver.

I loved the simplistic representation and effortless story-telling of 'Almost Single', which is not hugely distant from the category of this novel. That is ,I would say, a vacation time novel, to read.

But when you crave for a little more than just good story, read this. 'Sense and Sensibility' ,is more than just the story the novel narrates. Yes, I did pick up the book one more time, against myself though!

With every page I read, I saw the era she wrote about. An era which is difficult to relate to, not only in diction but also  in mannerism. I was more and more willing to give her the liberal benefit, for she was writing of a bygone time. Her words sounded and read differently , She would use chuse ( for choose),  handsome for the appearance of a lady ( I dare say we use that for men with caution too :) ) and handful non-existent usages.  English and society has come a long way since then. Courtesy and chivalry have new-found meanings, the pressing-necessity that she sees for them in a person, Am afraid, isn't easy to justify.

Her style of writing grows on you ,as you progress the story. And you would be amazed, without much exaggeration, to see yourself, under the influence of such usage, as shocking as it may seem to those familiar to you.( That was my attempt to her style :) but far shorter from her lengths)

There is an interesting amount of details on the locations, the setting are described in a delightful way ,it almost instantly creates a visual effect on the reader ,as if you were living the age and society of that time. The pace is almost stagnant at times, but there is no undertone she uses in depicting the mindset of society where the matter of money forces a change in matter of hearts and one finds no shame in accepting it. The characters like Miss  Jennings and Miss Lucy,  more or less sum up the expectations and priorities that society had for women back then. The Dashwood sisters ,though play a similar society, have a more relate-able this-day like sensibility.

 The story line is sweet and happily ever-after take away, but the something that I would keep from the novel is its depiction of the lost-world (almost ), when you want to cut out from the modern ways of world for some time, and  its beautiful

"There is something so amiable in the prejudices of a young mind, that one is sorry to see them give way to the reception of more general opinions."

Its so very true ..

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

2B or !2B be or not to be..

Charter my way
fix my path
mark the road that leads to it,
but to follow or not..leave it to me

I wander or falter
fail or flourish
I may rise not like phoenix
but to make the choice..leave it to me

Tiny little wings of mine
that are barely to size
wish them ,teach them inspire them to fly
but fly to where...... leave it to me

beautiful are the strands
of the golden gate
that promises pleasure to one who resides,
but to 2B or !2B ... leave it to me...

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

When the life drifts away..

Like fine and smooth grains of sands
It slips through my fingers
I panic in a fear of losing it all
my grip gets stronger,my muscles strained
little do they know,
their ardent desire to hold it back
makes it slip so much faster..

I wonder,as I look through its parched lips
If there were more moisture
falling from the heart of sky or man
they could bind the grains together..

 But if skies were to shower warmth
 then those on streets would be coziest..
 One has to toil to find one's chalice,
and I fear I had found one...

We vowed  and promised and kissed n sealed
together was all that eyes could see,
And in  blink of time

the fairy tale was on the climax,,

Something there is that isnt the same
something that doesnt give in any more

It can see the grains falling apart,
but refuses to water it any more..

 A part of my heart dies on realizing,
that those precious moments would soon be bygone,
the unsaid love in your eyes, the mute care that you have,
how wonderfully wonderful it felt, just your being ...

And then I gaze around,
over some of it ,thats still togehter
There is hope thats keeps them stuck,
the tiny shoots playing on its bossom
they save the grains from losing each other
they retain the moisture in them,,

Monday, March 7, 2016

The final TRUMP card..

Just to "Say as you see it" , how far can one take the joke!!

Yes its different , its fun, its a twist, makes you laugh.. its probably worth one-night-stand-up ..but are you serious , is this the one you want to live with?

Its amazing if people aren't already asking themselves these this really the Trump card they want to pin their hopes on? 

Yes, chivalry is far disappearing. Polite seems over-rated, but to mock your competitor by absurd sprout of genitals, and then cover it up as a dash of humor, have we really stooped so low!! The developed nation, or so was it seen so far, is so tolerant that it not only over-looks but continues to support such a candid, dignified person ,to still run for the race of highest responsibility..!! 

I re-live the adolescent days, when Robert Frost seemed to make all sense..

" there is something that doesn't love the walls,
that sends the frozen-ground-under it swell,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun"

How he mocks his neighbor, who lives in darkness, not only of woods and trees, to believe walls make good neighbours.. The neighbour ,we were told, was of primitive stone-age mind set..

And here's a candidate, from the progressive and developed society, not so much in agreement with Frost, who wants to unearth those demolished walls, build the walls of castles, alcoves in the wall in case the enemy strikes... We shall grow our own crop, sheer our own sheep and keep ourselves warm.. and stay inside our Walls!!
Its sure hilarious if we want to fall behind such a binary vision.

I would rather not delve into the appalling thoughts of the honorable man, on how and why the children and wives of wrong-doers should be dealt.

 If he orders them to be tortured,
tortured they should be..
if he orders them to be beheaded,
beheaded they should be..

For he is an honorable man,
We come to bury humanity,
and not speak for thee..

Different is always alluring, its intriguing but not always a good bet to opt for.. specially when the stakes are so high.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Jostling down the lanes,
criss-cross the busy morning roads.

I am on my way back home,
a triumphant moment after drop-offs.
Check-list runs in my mind,
one down ,many to go..

Time to switch the gears n mode,
office awaits with its own agenda.
The familiar faces and greets,
Hi and hellos, byes n see yous.

The signals ahead seem like a under spell,
many a heads turning, many a legs slowing.
A mixed ratio of both clans,
being held back by something I miss to see..

And then I reached the 'Chosen' signals,
oh yes,  it does turn the heads n  rein the legs,

It isn't easy to say
what was the reason..
the ravishing ,comfy, power-filled bike
or the one controlling it by the horns..

the signals go green,
he revs it up..
Or as my son would say,
he pumped up his pistons or
busted its boilers..

And in a blink,
it was bygone,
leaving many a envious
many a mused..
And then came a perfect expression,
in a perfectly right pitch,
A very impressed teen yelled,
What a son-of-a-bitch!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Purple watch

She walked in with elegance
Confident and well groomed

Sat in a chair opposite to me
Carefully she places her
Smart blue purse, shiny and latest..Ted-baker
She reaches her mobile, streching her hand
And through the sleeves of her well ironed blouse
Shines the purple watch

Fastened steadily on her left wrist..
She takes a notice of my glance,
Smiles a smile almost addictive
I can’t help or move my sight
Her composed self, confident looks
Her perfect sense of style and elegance
Leaves me amazed and inspired

My gaze is cut short by a soft voice
Calling the lady by her name..
For its time for her to see the doc..

 She reaches for the chair's arm,
Picks up her shiny purse
Flashing her purple watch one more time..

With her legs failing her,
She holds on to the wall,
I reach out to grab her hand,
She respects my gesture for elderly,
But politely says' thank you dear, I am good'

This ripe age,
doesnt dampen her spirits,she lives
dignified,fashioned and poised..
I am amazed and inspired by her
Self-pride her confidence ..

To grow older is inevitable,
to live old is optional....!!!